Technology, Customers & Employees | Trendwatcher

Nancy Rademaker

Technology, Customers & Employees | Trendwatcher

Nancy Rademaker

Speaker Level:







Künstliche Intelligenz & Augmented Reality

Gesundheit & Medizin

Modern Leadership

High Performing Teams




"Dealing with disruption takes guts. It takes vision and speed. Aiming for the status quo is dangerous, inaction is the biggest threat."

Keynote speaker Nancy Rademaker is passionate about technology and the disruptive powers it holds. She has worked in IT for more than 20 years and loves to share her passion about how technology disrupts business models and influences people's behaviour, and how innovative digital, customer-centric and employee-centric strategies can help organizations survive the era of the Next Normal. She is also a guest lecturer at London Business School.

With a background in IT and many years of experience, Nancy knows exactly how to provide her audience with the essentials for the future. Illustrated by many examples, Nancy shows us how to deal with the Disruptive Power of Technology.

Through exciting and thought-provoking keynotes and workshops, she enables her audience to create a vision on how to prioritize and aim for return on investment in the ‘future Beyond’. Her bold presentations help clients keep up to date on topics such as emerging technologies, digital transformation, extreme customer centricity, disruption, AI, business model change and leadership.

Nancy travels the world taking business leaders to innovation hubs like Silicon Valley, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Berlin,… By working with the most forward-thinking business environments worldwide, she has a continuous source of inspiration to keep her keynote content on the cutting edge of the latest technologies, developments, and disruptive new business models.

Nancy is also an entrepreneur; she is a senior partner with the Speakers Club in the Netherlands and co-founder of an international startup,

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Folgende Themen bietet Nancy Rademaker zum Vortragen an.

The X-factor of Customer Centricity - Survival in the Next Normal

Surviving the Disruptive Power of Technology – Emergence of a ‘Next Normal’

The Power of AI

Healthcare in the Beyond: Patient Centricity is the Leading Game

Surviving the Disruptive Power of Technology – Emergence of a ‘Next Normal’

Culture and Leadership in the Beyond

Healthcare in the Beyond: Patient Centricity is the Leading Game

Surviving the Disruptive Power of Technology – Emergence of a ‘Next Normal’

Culture and Leadership in the Beyond

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